Posts in Past Events

Revised 5 Durham Police Policies to Promote Diversity and Inclusion

Biased Free Policing Code of Professional Conduct DRPS Accessibility Standards Respect At The Workplace, Anti-Harassments and Anti-Violence[…]

Consultation with Chief (previous Chief Paul Martin) of Durham Police

5 Recommendations Biased Free Policing Code of Professional Conduct DRPS Accessibility Standards Respect At The Workplace, Anti-Harassments[…]

How Can We Support Our Children in School

Topics Covered: School Advocacy – What Every Parent Should Know The Education Act and Its Purpose

Navigating the Education System K-12

TOPICS COVERED: IPRC and Its Benefits Accommodations

Anti-Black Racism in Ontario Schools

Anti-Black Racism in Ontario Schools – What Parents Need to Know Topics Discussed; What roles do administrators[…]

Navigating the Education System

Topics Covered: Zero Tolerance Removed Restorative Practice, etc… Individual Education Plan  

Building Bridges with Durham Children’s Aid Society

Topics Covered: You can access these past events at View the Eligibility Spectrum on the OACAS Public[…]

Navigating The Education System

Topics Covered: The Student Discipline Process Suspension and Expulsion Human Rights Discrimination Based on Gender/ Ethnicity

Know Your Rights and Responsibilities When Interacting with the Police

Special Guest: 1. Acting Sgt Keith Richards 2. Inspector Bruce Townley 3. Inspector Jeffrey Haskins

Working Together Towards Our Children’s Success

Group Purpose: Get Involved see what we are doing Sign up to volunteer

Helping Our Children Succeed

Help our children succeed to promote awareness in our children’s Education and the Education System. Group Purpose:[…]